29 posts
To prevent others from copying functionality or to reduce potential security vunelrabilities, you may want to obfuscate the source code of your web app.
I bring to light some of the more interesting parts I've discovered from reading the source code for Sentry, an error and exception tracking app.
Static websites that have content provided by content management systems suffer from poor live preview experiences and a delay in showing published content.
A dead simple way to manage your global application state with Valtio in React or vanilla JavaScript apps.
With Remix's recent announcement of investor funding, is it moral for them to try to financially profit from the contributions of the community?
Some thoughts on why you may want to add end-to-end, integration, and unit tests to your web applications.
Noteworthy differences between VSCode and WebStorm for web development purposes.
There are some perculiarities to be aware of when setting an open graph image URL that is suitable for LinkedIn.
Building web applications with feature flags has the advantage of gradually testing features in a production environment.
My experience and thoughts on 2020 web development technologies.
A comprehensive guide about Docker that explains what it is and how to use Docker images, containers, volumes, and networks.
Being able to reach 1000 reputation on Stack Overflow is an achievement that brings along a certain level of respect and opportunities.
Learn possible solutions and workarounds for turning HTML rows into clickable links.
Learn how to style and format a commit message for optimal readability, especially if using GitHub to host your git repository.
Learn how to deploy an app to multiple environments accessible at different custom domains on the Vercel platform.
Install the latest version of Dokku a Digital Ocean Droplet and deploy a web application using Dokku.
React applications built with Redux should include both integration and unit tests for make sure your app runs with confidence.
GIFs are not optimal file formats for usage on the web, but luckily they can be replaced with WebM and MPEG4 videos for optimal performance.
Learn the differences between how NextJS and GatsbyJS generate files used for a static website and which tool is best for which situations.
Optimize React applications using memoization techniques such as the useCallback and useMemo hooks along with the React.memo higher order component.
Learn why yarn generates a lock file, why a lock file is useful, and how to upgrade dependencies with a lock file present.
CSS grid cannot completely replace the need for flexbox layout when it comes to styling HTML elements.
Learn how to inspect CSS styles in Chrome for HTML elements that are added, removed, or modified by JavaScript.
Learn why, when, and how to use environment variables for front-end JavaScript applications built with webpack, parcel, Create React App, and Gatsby.
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of creating server-side rendered React applications and find out which apps are best suited for server-side rendering.
Test stateful React function components build with hooks using react-testing-library to follow best testing practices.
Developers spend a lot of time working in their terminals and a great development experience can be achieved in the terminal when using zsh and Hyper.
ESLint's large set of linting rules and the increased commitment to use ESLint by the TypeScript team makes ESLint a great tool for linting TypeScript projects.
TypeScript is gaining more popularity in the JavaScript community and there is no better time than 2019 to start using TypeScript in your projects.