How Yarn Lock Files Work and Upgrading Dependencies

This article has a goal of explaining the purpose of a yarn.lock file as well as how to upgrade dependencies when a lock file is present. Many people see it as a nuisance to have a yarn.lock file since it adds an extra file to a project and it often appears in code reviews whenever a dependency is modified (and sometimes the resulting file diff can be quite large). However, the yarn.lock file is important to have if working on a team or even if working alone with a CI server.

How lock files work

When using yarn to manage NPM dependencies, a yarn.lock file is generated automatically. Also any time a dependency is added, removed, or modified with the yarn CLI (e.g. running the yarn install command), the yarn.lock file will update automatically.

Note: If dependencies are manually modified in a package.json file, yarn will only update the yarn.lock file the next time the yarn CLI is used to install or modify dependencies. So if modifying dependencies in package.json, be sure to run yarn install to update the yarn.lock file.

The purpose of a lock file is to lock down the versions of the dependencies specified in a package.json file. This means that in a yarn.lock file, there is an identifier for every dependency and sub dependency that is used for a project. What I mean by identifier is there is a block in the yarn.lock file that describes the exact version of an installed dependency. It looks like the following:

2 version "16.8.3"
3 resolved ""
4 integrity sha512-3UoSIsEq8yTJuSu0luO1QQWYbgGEILm+eJl2QN/VLDi7hL+EN18M3q3oVZwmVzzBJ3DkM7RMdRwBmZZ+b4IzSA==
5 dependencies:
6 loose-envify "^1.1.0"
7 object-assign "^4.1.1"
8 prop-types "^15.6.2"
9 scheduler "^0.13.3"

The above identifier found in the yarn.lock file specifies that react version 16.8.3 is installed, and it gives the registry URL where the package can be installed, an integrity hash (making sure the dependency's files haven't been modified), and a list of sub dependencies (i.e. dependencies required by the dependency). Looking further into the yarn.lock file will show the identifiers for the sub dependencies. For example here is another identifier for the object-assign sub-dependency:

1object-assign@^4.1.1: version "4.1.1"
2 resolved ""
3 integrity sha1-IQmtx5ZYh8/AXLvUQsrIv7s2CGM=

So what's the benefit of locking down dependency versions? Well if dependency versions where not locked down, then every time the dependencies are installed through yarn install, the fetched dependencies may be different. If one of the dependencies has a new version available and the available version is within the specified version range in the package.json, then the newest dependency will be installed.

Note: It can be difficult to remember and grasp how all the version ranges work. However, there is an online calculate that helps to visualize the packages that apply to a version range.

As an example take the following dependencies installed in a package.json file:

1"dependencies": {
2 "lodash": "^3.9.1"

Assuming that the current version of lodash is 3.9.1, when someone goes to install the dependencies with yarn install, they will have version 3.9.1 of lodash installed.

Now, let's assume that lodash releases version 3.9.2 and another person runs yarn install for the same package.json shown above. That person will have version 3.9.2 of lodash installed because if falls within the ^3.9.1 version range specified in the package.json file. Notice how there are now two people that have different versions of lodash installed (3.9.1 vs 3.9.2), even though all the code for the repository is the same. As you can see this could cause issues of different behavior manifesting itself on the same app for two separate machines.

Let's go over the above scenario again, but with a yarn.lock used to lock dependency versions.

Taking the same package.json file as above and assuming that the current version of lodash is 3.9.1, when someone goes to install the dependencies, they will end up with the following entry within a yarn.lock file:

2 version "3.9.1"
3 ...

Now, assuming that the yarn.lock file is commited to source control (which it should be), someone else can pull the same code onto their machine and run yarn install. No matter what version of lodash has been released (e.g. 3.9.2 or above), the installed version of lodash will be 3.9.1 because that is the version that is specified in the yarn.lock file.

How to upgrade dependencies

Ok, let's stick with the above example with the following dependencies listed in a package.json file:

1"dependencies": {
2 "lodash": "^3.9.1"

Remember that with a yarn.lock you will have a locked version of lodash (in this example, the locked version is set to 3.9.1):

2 version "3.9.1"
3 ...

Now, someone might be confused as to why we specify version ranges in a package.json file if the version that gets installed will always be the same, even if a new version of a dependency is released. For example, a range of ^3.9.1 means that it will match any version greater than 3.9.1 and less than 4.0.0. However, if version 3.9.2 is released, the 3.9.2 version will not be installed if the version of lodash is locked to 3.9.1 in the lock file.

This is where the yarn upgrade command comes into play.yarn upgrade allows to upgrade all the dependencies listed in a package.json to the latest versions specified by the version ranges. So assuming a lock file contains version 3.9.1 of lodash and version 3.10.3 of lodash is available, running yarn upgrade will install version 3.10.3 and the yarn.lock file will update to the following:

2 version "3.10.3"
3 ...

Upgrading dependencies to latest version

To upgrade to the latest version of a dependency ignoring the version range specified in the package.json file, the yarn upgrade --latest command can be executed.

So for the following dependencies in package.json:

1"dependencies": {
2 "lodash": "^3.9.1"

If version 4.17.14 of lodash is released, then running yarn upgrade --latest will install version 4.17.14 and update the yarn.lock file to the following:

2 version "4.17.14"
3 ...

Yarn will also automatically update the version range in the package.json to the following:

1"dependencies": {
2 "lodash": "^4.17.14"

Interactive upgrade

For a repository that has many dependencies, it might be useful to view a list of the available latest upgrades that can be made for all dependencies. Executing yarn upgrade-interactive --latest will list all the dependencies that can be upgraded. Dependencies in the list can be selected to upgrade them to their latest versions.

As an example, here's what it looks like when I run yarn upgrade-interactive --latest on my blog:

Output of running the yarn-upgrade-interactive command

As you can see, it's quite a useful representation of which dependencies can be upgraded. Also, notice how the dependencies with new major versions available are highlighted in red to warn of breaking changes.

That's all I wanted to share regarding yarn.lock files. I've found there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding regarding these lock files, so hopefully this helps to clear some of the confusion. Let me know on Twitter if you have other useful information regarding yarn or yarn.lock files.

Useful Resources

Explanation by npm on the use of lock files

Robert Cooper's big ol' head

Hey, I'm Robert Cooper and I write articles related to web development. If you find these articles interesting, follow me on Twitter to get more bite-sized content related to web development.